Copper mug (Tumblers)
Yogis and
traditional households in India have for thousands of years (and are till
today) been utilizing a simple, practical and effective method of drinking
water in its most holistic way- drinking water from a copper cup or a large
copper vessel where water is stored.
Ayurveda recommends storing water in copper
Benefits of copper according to ayurveda:
- Drinking water from copper cups prevents ageing, vaya-sthapak.
- Copper can destroy undesirable virus and bacteria. When copper dissolves in water, water becomes ionic (electrolyte) as can be ascertained by its pH measurement. That is the reason the micro-organisms get killed in such water.
This is called the Oligodynamic effect, as proven by research.
- Water is energized. Taste the water from a copper cup to experience the energized quality of water!
Yogis have revered copper as an
ideal container to positively charge water before drinking it. For thousands of
years, the yogis would carry water in their copper pot called
'kamandalam'. In traditional households in India, copper drinking cups
such as the ones offered here is still used. We now offer these traditional
copper drinking cups called in South India "tumblers" to you!
recognized in the 1870's as a normal constituent of blood, copper is a trace
mineral that plays an important role in our metabolism, largely because it allows many critical enzymes to function properly.
Copper plays an important part in the following:
- Iron Utilization
- Elimination of Free Radicals
- Development of Bone & Connective Tissue
- Melanin Production
Copper plays an important part in the following:
- Iron Utilization
- Elimination of Free Radicals
- Development of Bone & Connective Tissue
- Melanin Production
effect: Copper
has proven to kill bacteria due to what is called the 'oligodynamic' effect.
The oligodynamic effect (Greek oligos = few, dynamis = force) was discovered in 1893 by the Swiss KW Nägeli as a toxic effect of metal-ions on living cells, algae, moulds, spores, fungi, virus, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, even in relatively low concentrations.
Certain metals such as copper are known to be far more poisonous to bacteria
than others, e.g. stainless steel or aluminum
Pregnant women and people with high levels of copper should not use this
drinking cups do change the taste and feel of water. The water definitely feels
more energized.